The Rutgers Athletic Bands Program extends beyond the football field into the Volleyball and Basketball Seasons with the Rutgers Pep Bands. The purpose of the Rutgers Pep Bands is to provide musical support to the RU Women's Volleyball team and the RU Women's and Men's Basketball Teams.
Typically, one Pep Band will perform at a select few Volleyball games, and 3 separate pep bands (Scarlet Band, Knight Band, and Chop Band) will divide the playing responsibilities between Women's and Men's Basketball Games.
If our teams travel to B1G or NCAA Tournaments, a select group of pep band members will form a travel pep band, and travel with the team to tournaments.
There are occasional special events that the Pep Band will be asked to perform at (RU Dance Marathon, Donor Events, Student Orientations, etc.). Advanced communication will be sent out about these events as they come.
In order to participate in the Rutgers Pep Bands, students must:
Attend 3 of the 5 mandatory Volleyball Pep Band performances (at Jersey Mike's Arena, Livingston Campus): 9/24 (1pm tip off) , 9/27 (6pm tip off) , 10/7 (7pm tip off), 10/22 (1pm tip off), 11/5 (1pm tip off)
Attend 3 out of the 5 mandatory Pep Band rehearsals prior to the start of basketball season (dates TBA)
Register for the Pep Band Course during the spring semester for 1 credit (07:701:338)*
Have experience performing in a large wind ensemble of high school level or higher
Be in good standing with the RU Bands program, both academically and behaviorally
Read, sign, and return the last page of the RU Pep Band Contract to Dr. Baumanis (via email) prior to the first pep band rehearsal
*Students who graduate in the fall semester but want to continue to perform with the Pep Band during the spring semester can do so after filling out the VOLUNTEER WAIVER FORM, attaching a current form of insurance, and emailing both documents to Dr. Baumanis. Non-RU students/graduated RU students unfortunately do not qualify for travel.
*Students who attend a New Jersey institution of higher education that does not have an athletic band program may also volunteer to join the Rutgers Pep Bands and can do so after filling out the VOLUNTEER WAIVER FORM, attaching a current form of insurance, and emailing both documents to Dr. Baumanis.​