1. Download the latest version on iOS App Store or Google Play Store.
2. Tap "New User Sign-up"
3. Enter Ensemble Code - ru24g695
4. Enter Ensemble Password - ru24g656be
5. Create a new account profile to use with Beam
UDBapp Pro:
You will need the following code & password:
Ensemble Code - ru23r507
Ensemble Password - ru23r399e
Existing Users
For users that already have a UDBapp account.
1. Log into your UDBapp account
2. Tap the 3 dots in the top left hand corner of the home screen
3. Tap "+ Add Ensemble"
4. Enter the appropriate Ensemble code and Password (shown above).
Creating a new UDBapp account
For users that do not have a UDBapp account.
1. Download UDBapp Pro on the iOS App Store or Google Play Store.
2. Tap "Don't have an account? Sign-up"
3. Enter Ensemble Code - ru23r507
4. Enter Ensemble Password - ru23r399e
5. Create a new personal account to use with UDBapp
This app will be used to distribute announcements to the band and sections.